The TCFT project, The Complete Freedom of Truth, was founded in 2014 with the goal to promote and empower young artists from all over Europe through sharing of ideas and experience not limited by any stereotypes and prejudices about gender, ethnicity or disabilities.


The project is constantly evolving. In order to reach its goals, in 2016 it went on in Bounemouth (England) and in 2017 it will come to Sarteano, a small town in Italy that, despite its dimensions, has an important “cultural baggage” to offer to the project participants. Visual arts, music, theatre, dancing – in other words everything that is art – lie at the basis of the project. But it is not limited only to aesthetic function (the beauty) of the art: it strives to apply art as a tool for the education of European citizens of tomorrow, making them aware and conscious of the key issues of today with the scope of creating a common way of thinking for a better future cohabitation.


Childhood suffering in the “third world”, immigration, poverty and the still near (in terms of both time and space) Bosnian war were just some of the issues covered during the evening community meetings, where all participants could share a new project or idea. The evenings have been a very clear example of what the project is about: merging countries and cultures, bringing them together with the idea of community, friendship and brotherhood, where all are teachers and all are students. In other words, everyone can give and get something.


Every phase of the project is a two-week series of workshops (multidisciplinary laboratories) that lead to the final joint performance of all the activities, mixed into several performances. Different working groups collaborate in order to create a versatile, 360 degrees show, that make the audience (at least as it happened in Bournemouth this year) follow the path of the group poetry (spoken words) and that involve all the artistic disciplines addressed during the workshops (from music to parkour through dancing, visual arts and theater). The final performance in Bournemouth ended with the word-statue “TRUTH” which was the main topic of that project edition.


I couldn’t really think of a conclusion to this report, because the friends that I acquired, the connections born with this experience, will remain. I’ve got to know incredible people, with whom I really hope to keep in touch and have beautiful relationship based on sharing and respect and who I can’t wait to meet again in April 2017, this time at my home. Obviously, in the name of the art and the truth. In its complete freedom.


"We can change the World. Truth can change the world "