The Exchange, Bush House (North East Wing), Aldwych, WC2B 4BG
14:00 - 17:00

This workshop forms part of project “IZAZOV!”, a youth-led filmmaking project in Bosnia & Herzegovina (BiH) exploring how film can be used to facilitate creative thinking, dialogue and change in society.

The workshop will be designed and led by the filmmakers from BiH, and will include a mixture of film screenings, discussion and creative and participatory activities. This forms part of wider projects Changing the Story (led by the University of Leeds) and The Complete Freedom of Truth (led by Opera Circus), both of which are aimed at empowering young people through an engagement with the arts.

This is a great opportunity to explore the potential of film and meet people from across the world interested in bringing about change to their communities through creative means.

If you are interested in joining us, please submit your name and details below so that you can be added to the attendance list.

This event is free of charge and by invitation only.

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