I did not want to write this report, because it was too formal for me. No feelings. Instead, I will tell you the story of Domino network. 


This summer we started creating it, within TCFT. I mean, realistically, where could we all have found each other? With so many differences between us, we were in fact what brought us together. We did not have everything that it takes. We disagreed immediately, and continue to disagree. There are many artists who prefer to think with the heart, not the head. I fully understand them all. That is nicer, but also more difficult. We're not some great group, we are not always unanimous, we are not perfect. What I am saying is that we are brave. Really brave. Trying to make new friends in a country where everybody are like wolves to each other, and not like friends. However, this is our thing, we go with the heart and not the head, and no wolf goes with the heart. It took a lot of effort to fight for the meeting in November, but you know what - we had succeeded, and it was great. And it was what we needed. We need to work continuously, because in a society in which we live, it's hard to get motivated and easy to lose it. In those 5 days, we realized all the disadvantages and obstacles we encounter, which is so much to learn within 5 days.


Some people need their whole life and years of experience. It's just the way we are, we do not want the project which was this summer, in which we found ourselves (The Complete Freedom of Truth) to pass by like all others. We don’t want to give up on what we have created as soon as it leaves the borders of our country, to go our separate ways and just move on with our lives. We want to be actively involved in the construction of our community, to educate for all necessary skills. After that, we should be able to help young people in our communities, to guide and motivate their future through art, because we are all talented. We are no longer a group that has only the leaders, but now we are all trying to be good ambassadors. I was surprised that more and more young people want to actively participate. Honestly, it does not always work, but at least we have ideas. Slowly, we will learn how to realize them. In two weeks we wrote three projects, and not all of us participated. Some were lazy, but we are not giving up on them, we are motivating them. We need to be involved in life, in the life that people have created for us. Should we always live like that? We will not, we have the courage. I always repeat that. We have written projects for these next meetings, we wrote them on our own, with little help. People who did not know how to do it are now learning from some examples of how it works. Without any training. We are aware that we are perhaps immature, but this is our dream. Our vision for the future. Where we should live in a free society, which we have created together.


Friends, what do you think, will it ever be possible? Honestly, I still doubt it. But the doubt isn't negative, not the one when you give up, but the positive one. We must find a common solution. Believe me, 12 angry people regarded this as a joke. But it is not a joke. And we'll be those 12 angry people, maybe even 20 angry people, but one by one, as in the films - we will agree. Because we can be the change, sometimes only in our hearts, but the day will come when it will be our reality.


"We don’t want to give up on what we have created as soon as it leaves the borders of our country, to go our separate ways and just move on with our lives..."

"We don’t want to give up on what we have created as soon as it leaves the borders of our country, to go our separate ways and just move on with our lives..."