These five days have been very excited, with so much positive energy spread all over, and the politeness of the Youth from Visegrad. They are so focused and engaged with the workshops that they are attending. Also, workshops were very productive and what we have created is something that will be a story to be remembered forever. The Complete Freedom of Truth can definitely be found in Višegrad.
Ovih pet dana koliko su trajale radionice su bili veoma uzbudljivi, mnogo pozitivne energije izmedju lidera i ucesnika radionica, ljubaznost i topla dobrodoslica mladih iz Visegrada. Bili su veoma posveceni i usredsredjeni za radionice koje su pohadjali i cinili su to sa zadovoljstvom. Radionice su bile veoma produktivne i ono sto smo mi iskreirali ce biti dogadjaj za pamcenje. U Visegradu je definitivno bila Potpuna Sloboda Istine.