Cedoux Kadama is a visual artist born in the Democratic Republic of Congo and now living in the UK. As an artist, his mission in the Congo was to use his art – and status as an artist – to tell people about the plight of young children living on the street, who had suffered from abuse. He also worked with these young people in the Congo, supporting them to express themselves through art.


Since coming to the UK he has worked on youth projects with Project Phakama and The Barbara Melunsky Refugee Youth Agency where he has developed his skills in arts and film making.


Cedoux believes that art should have a social purpose.  He hopes that through his work people will understand the importance of human life in the world, prioritise it and empathise with others, in order to make the world a better place for all human beings.


Cedoux’s importance to TCFT is his experience of working with children, including street children, and his aim to work in society to support them.


Cedoux was unable to come to Srebrenica as he is waiting for his leave to remain to be approved.  We hope that he will now be a part of the ongoing work with TCFT and will be able to fully participate in the next programme of work and the next phase in 2016 in the UK.